Thursday, December 30, 2010

Starting Here...

I've been procrastinating a farm blog for some time now. I work on it a little, I get frustrated and stop. I come back and work on it some more, get frustrated, and stop. However, times they are a changin' and as such I need to get this blog started! We are doing so many things with our "little" urban farm, it's incredible. We are still raising chickens for eggs, sometimes meat, and chicks in the Spring as well as growing produce in our ever expanding number of raised beds. However, our newest and most exciting venture is SHEEP! Jared and I currently have eight sheep in our own flock- Icelandic, Shetland, Black Welsh Mountain, and a Cheviot-Suffolk- Hampshire cross- and have partnered with Charmaine Slaven and Alex MacLeod and their eleven sheep- eight Soay and three Icelandic- to turn our collective big sheep dreams into The Seattle Sheep Project. We are using land provided by private land owners to graze our sheep, since together we have only a small amount on our own. So far things are going swimmingly. Lambing season is just around the corner and we are working with several different organizations to discuss educational opportunities using our flock. There's so much more I could add to this but it must all come in time, as there's only so many hours in the day.

Until next time...

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